The deadline to submit comments is

Monday, July 29th by 5:00 PM PST

Sample Letters (link)

Kyle Smith - Nevada County Senior Planner for Alpenglow Sawmill

Hardy Bullock - Nevada County Board of Supervisors District 5

Jo Garst - Nevada County Planning Commission District 5

Please Write By

July 29th

5:00 PM

Please Write By • July 29th • 5:00 PM •

Who We Are

Friends of Prosser Truckee, a collective group of concerned community member who have come together to oppose the proposed development of a massive Sawmill & Glulam Factory one and a-half miles north of Truckee on Highway 89 at Klondike Flat Road.

The impacts of the industrial complex will be felt acutely by Truckee residents, particularly those living north on Highway 89 in the 500-plus homes in Prosser Lakeview Estates, as well as by Tahoe Donner Residents using Alder Creek Road, & residents in Russel Valley & Gray’s Crossing.

Our primary concerns regarding the proposed mill & facility are numerous & significant, affecting various aspects of our community’s well-being.

The Project

The full project proposal can be viewed HERE.

The CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) initial study begins on page 20.

Alpenglow Sawmill is an industrial-scale sawmill, bio-mass facility &

Glulam (glue laminated timber) production proposed WITHIN the neighborhood of Klondike Flat.

A 60-mph, double-trailer log truck every 7 min and 22 sec on Hwy 89!

The second phase is a Glulam & Truss Beam Factory!  

The proposed 18-acre Alpenglow Sawmill is an industrial facility that will change the character of Truckee and turn Hwy 89 into a loggers road – creating more traffic congestion & dangerous road conditions. It will acutely & forever change and damage the Prosser Lake Estates, Russell Valley, & Klondike Flat neighborhoods.

The Sawmill & Glulam Factory Project is a huge 8-acre industrial complex:

  • 4.5-acre area with log decks for log storage with a very loud “debarker”

  • 48,000-sqft Sawmill With a Very Loud Saw 9,600 ft2 Workshop

  • 15,000-sqft Firewood Storage

  • 9,600-sqft Wood Storage

  • 6,000-sqft Boiler Plant Building (Estimated CO2 emissions of 7,622-metric tons per year)

  • 3,000-sqft Dry Kilns

  • Truck Scales

  • Parking for 34 Employee Vehicles

  • 1,125-sqft/19,000-gallon Hazardous Fuel Storage (Used, Relocated Tanks)

  • Conveyor Infeed: South Side Of Sawmill Building

The industrial project’s 18-acre footprint is alarmingly massive! It’s the same size as Disneyland’s Adventureland. It’s larger than 23 football fields and equivalent to the space required for building 324 homes, each 2,400 ft² in size.

Why We Oppose.

Increased Traffic: The project would bring an influx of logging truck trips—61 per day—resulting in a logging truck passing through Hwy 89 & Klondike Flat Road every 7 minutes & 22 seconds.

Traffic Hazards: The factory intends to utilize logging & lumber trucks with double-trailers, each measuring 75 feet in length, further exacerbating traffic concerns, notably at the Hwy 89 & Alder Creek Road intersection.

Noise Pollution: The operation of the sawmill & associated machinery would introduce considerable noise pollution into our quiet residential neighborhood, disrupting the tranquility we cherish.

Impact on Klondike Flat Road: The increased traffic & industrial activity would significantly impact Klondike Flat Road, posing safety risks & disrupting the peaceful residential character of the area.

Extended Hours of Operation: The proposed operating hours from Monday to Saturday, 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, would further encroach upon the peaceful enjoyment of our homes.

Uncontrolled Growth Potential: The potential for unlimited growth of the development would only amplify the negative impacts on our community.

Decline in Property Values: The presence of such an industrial facility would inevitably lead to a decline in neighboring property values, affecting the financial well-being of our residents.

Public Safety Concerns: The safety of our community, particularly children who play in the area, would be compromised by the presence of heavy logging trucks.

Incompatible Land Use: The proposed industrial complex is inconsistent with the existing residential character of Klondike Flat & its surroundings.

Air Quality Concerns: The project's operations would contribute to air pollution through truck traffic, biomass facility emissions, & factory off-gassing.

Destruction of Rural Character: The project would forever alter the tranquil, rural ambiance of Klondike Flat, robbing it of its unique charm.

Light Pollution: The project will introduce significant light pollution into our dark skies, affecting wildlife & detracting from the natural beauty of the area.

Unified Opposition: All twenty-one property owners in the Klondike Flat Road subdivision unanimously oppose this incompatible land use proposed by a single property owner.