Meet Friends of Prosser Truckee: No Sawmill, No Glu-lam Factory

Dear Neighbor / Community Member:

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to introduce you to Friends of Prosser Truckee, a collective group of concerned community members who have come together to oppose the proposed development of a massive Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory 1½ miles north of Truckee on Hwy 89 at Klondike Flat Road.

The impacts of the industrial complex will be felt acutely by Truckee residents, particularly those living north on Hwy 89 in the Klondike Flat, the500-plus homes in Prosser Lakeview Estates, as well as by Tahoe Donner residents using Alder Creek Road, and residents in Russell Valley and Gray’s Crossing.

Our primary concerns regarding the proposed mill and factory are numerous and significant, affecting various aspects of our community's well-being. These concerns include:

  1. Increased Traffic: The project would bring an influx of logging truck trips—61 per day—resulting in a logging truck passing through Hwy 89 and Klondike Flat Road every7 minutes and 22 seconds. 

  2. Traffic Hazards: The factory intends to utilize logging and lumber trucks with double-trailers, each measuring 75 feet in length, further exacerbating traffic concerns, notably at the Hwy 89 & Alder Creek Road intersection. 

  3. Noise Pollution: The operation of the sawmill and associated machinery would introduce considerable noise pollution into our quiet residential neighborhood, disrupting the tranquility we cherish. 

  4. Air Quality Concerns: The project's operations would contribute to air pollution through truck traffic, biomass facility emissions, and factory off-gassing. 

  5. Impact on Klondike Flat Road: The increased traffic and industrial activity would significantly impact Klondike Flat Road, posing safety risks and disrupting the peaceful residential character of the area. 

  6. Decline in Property Values: The presence of such an industrial facility would inevitably lead to a decline in neighboring property values, affecting the financial well-being of our residents. 

  7. Incompatible Land Use: The proposed industrial complex is inconsistent with the existing residential character of Klondike Flat and its surroundings. 

  8. Destruction of Rural Character: The project would forever alter the tranquil, rural ambiance of Klondike Flat, robbing it of its unique charm. 

  9. Extended Hours of Operation: The proposed operating hours from Monday to Saturday, 7:00 am to 10:00 pm, would further encroach upon the peaceful enjoyment of our homes. 

  10. Uncontrolled Growth Potential: The potential for unlimited growth of the development would only amplify the negative impacts on our community.

  11. Public Safety Concerns: The safety of our community, particularly children who play in the area, would be compromised by the presence of heavy logging trucks. 

  12. Light Pollution: The project will introduce significant light pollution into our dark skies, affecting wildlife and detracting from the natural beauty of the area. 

  13. Unified Opposition: All twenty-one property owners in the Klondike Flat Road subdivision unanimously oppose this incompatible land use proposed by a single property owner. 

Klondike Flat is a small, modest community comprising 21residential parcels, primarily inhabited by local families who cherish the area's natural beauty and serenity. The proposed industrial complex stands in stark contrast to the values and lifestyle we hold dear.

We are reaching out to you today to introduce our group and share our concerns. In the coming days, we will provide more detailed information, contact info for letters, important dates, and a website with additional resources. If you are interested in joining our efforts, writing alette of opposition, or learning more about the issues, please reply to this email to let us know.  

It's crucial to act swiftly, as the final approval for the sawmill and glu-lam factory complex is scheduled for July 11th by Nevada County.   

Comments must be submitted by June 24th at 5:00pm. Letters can be sent to

Please help us get the word out – forward this email – copy, paste, and post info on social media (Facebook, Instagram, NextDoor, etc.). We are a small group of volunteers and need help with casting a wider net. Let us know of anyone that may be interested in the information, may want to help, or be added to our growing email list. And if you want off this notification list, just email us.

Together, we can make a difference and protect the integrity of our beloved rural community.

Friends of Prosser Truckee


Truckee Sawmill: When Size Does Matter