Sample Letter - Incompatible Land Use

Public Comment Letters Opposing the Project are Due: Monday, July 29th by 5:00 pm!

Here is another Sample / Form Letter 4 for folks to copy / paste / submit to these copy & paste-able email addresses for Kyle Smith, the five Nevada County Planning Commissioners, and five Board of Supervisors.

Number 4 – Special Findings for Requirement #6 – Compatible Land Use – How is a Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory compatible with a single-family residences? 

This sample letter can be adapted and personalized by residents who wish to express their concerns about the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam factory. It highlights key reasons why the project is incompatible with the existing uses in the area and underscores the detrimental impacts on the community.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]

Nevada County Planning Department
950 Maidu Avenue, Suite 170
Nevada City, CA 95959

Re: Opposition to Special Findings for the Proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory

Dear Planning Commissioners,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the Special Findings required for the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam factory, which would allow this development to circumvent and bypass essential county development requirements, specifically those outlined in Section 12.05.052.C.6 of the Nevada County Code. This section mandates that any proposed use and facilities must be compatible with, and not detrimental to, existing uses on abutting property and in the nearby surrounding neighborhood or area.

The construction and operation of a sawmill and glu-lam factory are fundamentally incompatible with our long-established rural residential area. Here are several reasons why the proposed project does not meet the compatibility requirement and why a Special Finding should not be used to bypass these crucial standards:

1. Noise Pollution:
The sawmill and glu-lam factory will generate significant noise pollution from machinery, truck traffic, and other industrial activities. This constant noise is incompatible with the tranquil, rural, single-family residential character of our neighborhood. The peace and quiet that residents currently enjoy would be severely disrupted, negatively impacting the quality of life.

2. Air Quality and Health Concerns:
Industrial activities associated with sawmills and glu-lam factories often produce dust, particulate matter, and chemical emissions that can degrade air quality. This poses a health risk to residents, particularly those with respiratory conditions, children, and the elderly. Our neighborhood and community should not be subjected to such detrimental environmental impacts.

3. Traffic and Safety:
The increased truck traffic necessary for transporting raw materials and finished products will significantly increase the risk of accidents on our rural roads. These roads are not designed to handle heavy industrial traffic and the safety of our residents, including children who play outside and people who walk or bike in the area, will be compromised.

4. Environmental Impact:
The construction and operation of the sawmill and glu-lam factory will have adverse effects on local wildlife, vegetation, and natural water resources. Our community values its natural surroundings and the proposed industrial development threatens to disrupt these ecosystems, leading to long-term environmental degradation.

5. Property Values:
The presence of an industrial facility in a rural residential area is likely to decrease property values. Residents have invested in their homes with the expectation of a peaceful rural environment. The introduction of a noisy, polluting industrial operation is incompatible with these expectations and could lead to financial losses for property owners.

6. Community Character:
The proposed sawmill and glu-lam factory are not in keeping with the character and spirit of our community. Our neighborhood is defined by its rural, residential nature, and the introduction of a large-scale industrial operation would fundamentally alter this character, undermining the identity and cohesiveness of our community.

In conclusion, the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam factory do not meet the requirements outlined in Section 12.05.052.C.6 of the Nevada County Code. The use of Special Findings to circumvent these requirements is inappropriate and unjustifiable given the significant negative impacts on our community. I urge the Planning Commission to deny the Special Findings and reject the proposal for the sawmill and glu-lam factory.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


[Your Name]
[Your Signature]