Sample Letter #2 - Noise

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Kyle Smith
Nevada County Senior Planner
Nevada County Planning Commission
950 Maidu Avenue
Nevada City, CA 95959

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam factory project at 10375 Silverado Way in Truckee, California. As a concerned resident, I believe the Environmental Noise Assessment for this project is insufficient and requires significant revisions to accurately reflect potential impacts on our community.

Firstly, the current Environmental Noise Assessment failed to select noise measurement locations that accurately represent the ambient noise levels in noise-sensitive residential areas. The chosen sites were too close to Klondike Flat Road, skewing the data with traffic noise. Additional measurements should be conducted at locations further from local roads to provide a true baseline for ambient noise levels. These new measurements should form the basis for evaluating the noise impact of the project, especially for residences northwest of the site.

Secondly, there are inconsistencies in the traffic noise modeling inputs and results. The report underestimates the traffic noise impact by not accurately reflecting the peak hour vehicle trips and the overall daily traffic volume. The noise generated by individual truck movements should be given proper consideration, as these are likely to be highly disturbing to nearby residents. The traffic volume inputs to the noise model need to be updated to include the correct number of daily project trips to provide an accurate assessment of the noise impact.

Furthermore, the operational noise modeling assumptions did not account for the possibility of open doors at the sawmill structure, which could allow additional noise to escape into the community. The SoundPLAN model should be revised to include this factor.

Additionally, a more restrictive noise standard should be used to assess the project’s impact, as sawmill noise typically contains high-frequency sounds and continues over long durations. The existing ambient noise levels in residential areas away from roadways are low, and any significant increase would severely affect the quality of life for residents.

Lastly, the Environmental Noise Assessment did not adequately evaluate the potential noise impact concerning existing noise levels. It is essential to aggregate all operational noise sources to determine the overall increase in noise levels caused by the project. Mitigation measures must be required if there is a substantial permanent increase in noise levels.

In conclusion, the current Environmental Noise Assessment is incomplete and fails to accurately represent the true noise impact of the Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam factory project. I urge the Nevada County Planning Commission to require a revised and more comprehensive noise assessment and an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) pursuant to CEQA before considering approval of this project.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

[Your Name]