Sample Letter #3 - Special Findings

Here is another Sample / Form Letter for folks to copy / paste / submit to these copy & paste-able email addresses for Kyle Smith, the five Nevada County Planning Commissioners, and five Board of Supervisors.


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory. I am deeply concerned that this project poses significant risks to our community and fails to meet several critical development requirements set forth by the Nevada County Code. Specifically, I urge you to reject any "Special Findings" that would allow this project to bypass these essential requirements. Section 12.05.052 "Development Permit" (p. 771) of the Nevada County Code outlines the County’s own requirements for the proposed Sawmill & Glu-Lam Factory. These requirement should apply to the proposed project!

Incompatibility with Surrounding Area (Requirement #6)

The proposed sawmill and factory are fundamentally incompatible with the long-established rural residential character of our community. The introduction of such an industrial facility would be detrimental to the existing uses on abutting properties and the nearby surrounding neighborhood. A "Special Finding" should not be used to override this crucial requirement.

Inadequate Roads and Traffic Safety (Requirement #8)

The highways, streets, and roads near the proposed site are insufficient to handle the increased traffic that this project would generate. The lack of a separate, primary access road for trucks entering and exiting the project site presents several significant safety concerns, including:

  • Traffic safety issues at the Highway 89 and Klondike Flat Road (KFR) intersection.

  • Safety risks for pedestrians and bicyclists on KFR.

  • Excessive diesel emissions affecting air quality.

  • Significant noise impacts from jake brakes and diesel engines.

  • Public safety risks due to the absence of an emergency evacuation route.

  • Potential loss of property value for homeowners sharing the sole access road with logging and lumber trucks.

A primary access road at the Prosser Hill OHV entrance or an alternative project site is necessary to mitigate these impacts. Without such measures, the project should not proceed.

Lack of Emergency Access (Requirement #9)

The proposed site has only one way in and out, which is entirely inadequate for emergency situations. The risk of a catastrophic wildfire is heightened by the presence of stockpiled dry and flammable materials. Recent sawmill fires, such as those at the Shetler Lumber Company in Waterford, PA, the Welker Sawmill in Fresno, CA, and the Colby Sawmill in Boscawen, NH, underscore the danger. In our densely forested area, the absence of a secondary emergency access route is unacceptable and puts residents at grave risk.

Insufficient Mitigation Measures (Requirement #11)

The project lacks essential mitigation measures that are both feasible and necessary. Dedicated turn lanes on Highway 89 at the KFR intersection and a secondary emergency evacuation route are critical requirements that have not been imposed on the project. Additionally, the proposed hours of operation are excessive and should be limited to 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, to minimize the impact on the community.

Public Health, Safety, and General Welfare (Requirement #12)

The proposed development fails to adequately protect the public health, safety, and general welfare of our community. The excessive noise, vibrations from sawmill activities, and diesel emissions pose significant health and safety risks. The lack of adequate emergency evacuation routes further exacerbates these concerns.

For these reasons, I strongly urge you to deny approval of the Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory project. Allowing "Special Findings" to bypass these critical requirements would undermine the integrity of the Nevada County Code and jeopardize the safety and well-being of our community.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I hope you will take action to protect our community from this unsuitable and hazardous development.

[Your Name]