Sawmill Project: Traffic Troubles and EIR Essentials

Urgent! Act Now to Oppose the Alpenglow Sawmill and Protect Our Community!

Dear Friends of Prosser Truckee, 

We need your immediate action to oppose the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory project! 

The Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) submitted to support this project is deeply flawed, and we must ensure our voices are heard before it's too late. 

Why Should You Care?

The proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory poses a significant threat to our community’s safety and environment. The Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), which is supposed to assess the project's impact on local traffic, contains several critical flaws:

  1. Outdated Traffic Data: The TIA relies on traffic volumes from 2019, ignoring the drastic changes in traffic patterns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This outdated data fails to reflect current traffic conditions, potentially leading to unsafe and inefficient traffic flow.

  2. Insufficient Turn Lane Analysis: The report claims that no new turn lanes are needed on SR 89 at Klondike Flat Road. This conclusion does not account for peak seasonal variations or future traffic growth, which could create hazardous conditions.

  3. Inadequate Sight Distance Mitigation: Proposed mitigations, like relocating a speed limit sign and trimming trees, are only temporary fixes. They do not provide a long-term solution to ensure the safety of drivers.

  4. Questionable Level of Service (LOS) Analysis: The LOS analysis shows the intersection will operate at LOS A/B, but it fails to consider the cumulative impacts of nearby developments. This incomplete analysis could lead to degraded traffic conditions over time. 

  5. Flawed Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Assumptions: The TIA suggests that the project will reduce VMT by providing a local sawmill. This assumption overlooks regional traffic patterns and potential new trips generated by the facility.

  6. Impact on Bicycle Safety: The report downplays the risks posed to cyclists by increased heavy truck traffic. Our planned bicycle facilities along SR 89 could become dangerous for non-motorized road users. 

What Can You Do?

1. Write a Letter: Submit your opposition to Kyle Smith at the Nevada County Planning Department at by Monday, July 29th, 5:00 PM. Your voice can make a difference! Here are the key points to include:

  • Demand an updated and thorough Traffic Impact Analysis.

  • Highlight the need for dedicated turn lanes on SR 89.

  • Argue for a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

  • Look at our Sample Letters.

2. Share the News: Spread the word on social media! Use Facebook, NextDoor, and other platforms to inform your friends and neighbors about the urgent need to oppose this project. 

3. Attend the Public Hearing: Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 8th, 2024, at 1:30 PM. The Nevada County Planning Commission Meeting will take place at a location TBD (either Truckee or Nevada City). Your presence can help show the overwhelming community opposition to this project.

Join Us in the Fight

The Friends of Prosser Truckee are committed to protecting our beautiful community. Visit our website ( for more information and to stay updated on our efforts. Together, we can ensure a safer and healthier future for all.

Thank you for your dedication and support.


Friends of Prosser Truckee


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