Say 'No' to Special Treatment for Sawmill Project

We need your immediate help to stop the proposed Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory! The Nevada County Planning Commission may use "Special Findings" to bypass critical development requirements to approve this project. Section 12.05.052 "Development Permit" (p. 771) of the Nevada County Code outlines the County’s own requirements for the proposed Sawmill & Glu-Lam Factory. 

This would be a disaster for our community. 

Here’s why: 

Five "Special Findings" Used to Circumvent Project Requirements

1. Compatibility with Surrounding Area (Requirement #6)

The sawmill and factory are incredibly incompatible with our rural residential area. Allowing a "Special Finding" to bypass this requirement undermines the County Code and threatens our community's character and tranquility.

2. Adequate Roads and Traffic Safety (Requirement #8)

The roads near the proposed site are not equipped to handle the traffic this project would generate. Imagine increased traffic accidents, noise from jake brakes, and dangerous conditions for pedestrians and cyclists on Klondike Flat Road. The County must find another site or a new access road to avoid these hazards. 

3. Emergency Access (Requirement #9)

The site has only one way in and out, which is a recipe for disaster in case of a fire. Recent sawmill fires have shown the devastating potential for such facilities to become infernos. No "Special Finding" can excuse the critical need for a secondary emergency access route. 

4. Feasible Mitigation Measures (Requirement #11)

The project lacks essential mitigation measures such as dedicated turn lanes on Hwy 89 and a secondary emergency evacuation route. Without these, the project poses an unacceptable risk to our community. 

5. Public Health, Safety, and General Welfare (Requirement #12)

This project fails to protect our community’s health and safety. Noise, vibrations from sawmill activities, diesel emissions, and inadequate emergency evacuation routes make this project fundamentally unsafe. 

Take Action Now! 

Write a letter to Kyle Smith at by the deadline: Monday, July 29th, by 5:00 PM

Let the Planning Commission know you oppose the approval of any "Special Findings" that would allow this project to bypass critical requirements. Your voice is crucial!

Attend the Public Hearing: Nevada County Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, August 8th, 2024, at 1:30 PM

(Location TBD - either Truckee or Nevada City)

Share This Message: Post on Facebook, NextDoor, and other social media platforms. Inform your friends, family, and neighbors about the threat this project poses to our community.

Speak Up, Stand Together

We must protect our community from the detrimental impacts of the Alpenglow Sawmill and Glu-Lam Factory. Let's ensure our voices are heard and prevent the Planning Commission from using "Special Findings" to approve this hazardous project.


Sawmill Project: Traffic Troubles and EIR Essentials